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Episode 22: Choices

This week, you’ll hear poems about making a lot of decisions, choosing where to go with a friend, and changing the world one choice at a time. Queenie has a tough choice to make between a hike, helping Postie Dale, and going to the last day of the art exhibit. Donna Worry helps her to think through the options, and make a decision.

As you listen, why not also enjoy all of the related free materials. Everything you need is on this page:

  • Download the episode’s PodPack for helpful activities and fun activities related to the episode.

  • Check out the PodSnacks on YouTube to see short videos of the illustrated poems.


Listen to the episode.


Download the PDF PodPack that goes with this episode. It contains activities based on the poems in this episode. It’s all free.



Let's have some fun 

with things that rhyme

welcome Kids 

it's poetry time!


Hip Hip Hurray!


Welcome everyone to Kids Poetry Club with me, Little Dazzy Donuts. I hope you’re feeling ready for some rhymes and fun today because we're going to spend the next 15 minutes listening to three poems on this week's chosen topic. We’ll also hear from some special guests along the way. So, while I play our intro music, get wriggling around to find a comfortable spot ... I’m so excited! It's time for this week's Kids’ Poetry Club!




Right now, I’m heading into the Club to set up for our episode.


Queenie: Hi Little Dazzy Donuts!!!!


Oh, hi Queenie! Are you heading into the Club too? It actually looks like you’re dressed for a hike.


Queenie: Well, I’m both in the mood for some good poems and also for a nice hike. After the Club meeting today, I’m going on a hike with my friend Gertie. We’ve been waiting for a nice sunny day – and today’s the day.


Today is certainly the perfect day for it. Okay, well we’re here now. Let’s head inside and get things started.


SOUND – Door opens.


Let's start off with club registration. This is where you get to shout out your name and get a club point for being here. So, on the count of three, shout out your name so that I can hear you through your phone, computer, or radio.


Let the drum roll begin. Here goes …. One. Two. Three! ….. Excellent!


So, Queenie, by any chance do you remember the topic from last week? 


Queenie: Yes, I do! It was Art! Bill Ding helped me with my Artists’ Block, and once I was through it, I learned how to draw a wonderful Spring tulip. I wonder what this week’s topic will be.


Before we find out, let’s first check the Club voicemail. I see that the light’s flashing and there’s a couple of messages that we haven’t listened to yet.


SOUND - Click


“You have two new messages”


Postie Dale – Hi. This is a message for Queenie. It’s Postie Dale. I was wondering if you could help me later today? I’m making a special delivery by llama and, while I’m there, I have a few things that I need to do. After the Club meets, would you be okay to look after the llamas for me while I do my errands? It’ll only take an hour. Can you call me back and let me know? Thanks, Queenie. Bye.


SOUND – Beep!


Bill Ding – Hi, this is Bill Ding. I’m hoping that Queenie is there at the Club. Queenie – I just realized that today is the final day of the big exhibit at the art museum. I promised to take you, and so I was thinking that we could go after the Club meets today. You’ll be able to see some lovely paintings by famous artists. Let me know if you can come along. I hope to see you later! Bye.


SOUND – Beep!

SOUND – Click


Queenie: Oh no! What am I going to do? I now have three things for after the Club – I’m already hiking with Gertie, and now Postie Dale wants me to look after his llamas …. Oooohhhhh I love llamas ….. and Bill wants me to go with him to the art museum … and it’s the last day of the exhibit! Gosh, I don’t want to disappoint anyone, or let them down. They’re all my friends, and it’s hard to say “no” to them.


Well, Queenie, it sounds like you have a tough choice to make … so, would it help you if we use choices as our topic for the episode to help you to think through the options and make a decision?


Queenie: Oooohhhh …. Yes please.


Let’s do that then. Talking of decisions, I find that sometimes I can make a decision quickly based on what feels right. However, some decisions are just so important or so complicated that it’s worth taking more time to think through the options. I think that this is one of those times. Seeing as you don’t have to make a decision straight away, how about we pause a little and and you can take a few minutes to think this through?


Queenie: You’re right – some decisions are easy to make. Like when I open the fridge and I have to decide what to put in my sandwich. If there’s tuna in there, that makes the decision for me. But, I’m not great at making decisions under pressure …. and I feel a little stressed by having three competing options and the sense that I could be letting down two people that I care about. I tell you what, why don’t you read the first poem while I think about this a little?


What an excellent idea. Well, this first poem is perfect for our topic today. It’s called “Making A Choice”, and it’s all about the different choices someone has to make. But, how do you think the poem’s going to get here? How do you think the Poetry Postal Service is going to deliver our first poem? Listen carefully. Here it comes ….




Oh, it came by Seagull. I love it when Postie Dale uses us for his Seagull deliveries! Okay, well now it’s here, let’s listen to our first poem, “Making A Choice”.


Left or right?

Up or down?

Straight ahead or turn around?

Really quiet or make a sound?

In the air or on the ground?


Here or there?

This or that?

Walk a dog or pet a cat?

Throw the ball or swing the bat?

Juggler, clown, or acrobat?


Black or white?

Blue or red?

Stand on your feet or on your head?

Go off to school or off to bed?

What you want or what she said?


In or out?

Short or long?

Hum a tune or sing a song?

Stand around or walk along?

Be on your own or with the throng?


Make a choice.

Pick and choose.

Sandals, boots, or running shoes?

Come along or just refuse?

Don’t delay. You snooze, you lose.



Queenie – Oh wow! That poem was certainly full of choices. It made me glad that I only have one decision to make today, and that I only have three options to choose from. That has my head spinning enough – I’m not sure I’m ready for all of the options in the poem.


Talking of your decision Queenie, how’s it going thinking through the options.


Queenie – Well, I appear to be going in circles. I think about it, feel like I’ve made a decision for a good reason, and then think of another good reason for making a different decision.


So, how are you trying to make the decision?


Queenie – Well, I like the idea of going on the hike with Gertie because I asked her to come with me before I heard from Postie Dale and Bill Ding. It’s important to me that I keep my word. But then, it also feels important to me to help a friend, and Postie Dale needs my help with his llamas. So, what’s more important – keeping my word to a friend, or helping a friend? I also don’t want Bill to feel like he has to go to the art museum on his own – that’s such a sad thought. So, all three options seem the right thing to do for different reasons.


When I’m in situations like that, I find it sometimes helps to list the advantages and disadvantages of choosing each option. I tell you what, why don’t you write down those while I read the second poem, and then we’ll call up Donna Worry to ask for her help? When I get stuck making a decision, I find it helps to talk it through with someone, and Donna sounds like the perfect person to help us.


Queenie – Ooohhhhh …. I like that idea! Donna is soooo helpful. While I work on my lists, could you read this poem out? I have it in my pocket, and I think it fits well with the topic today.


Thanks, Queenie. I definitely can. You’re right. This poem is a perfect fit, and it’s called “Where Shall We Go?”


We could space-walk together up on the moon.

But, if a rocket can’t take us there any time soon,

then we could go to somewhere a little bit nearer,

like a Kenyan safari to see lion and zebra.

But, if that still sounds like it’s too far to go,

then how about the mountains and we’ll ski in the snow?

If the mountains sound like they’re too far to roam,

then why don’t we do something that’s closer to home?

We could fill up our backpacks and walk to the park,

and play there and picnic ‘til way after dark.

There are so many choices to go or to see,

just pick one and I’m happy, if you’re there with me.


Gosh, I like that poem Queenie. The person definitely has lots of options for what to do, and I like that they let their friend make the decision because, in the end what matters most is that they do something together. What a lovely thought. Okay, so how about we call up Donna Worry for some help?


Queenie – yes, please!


SOUND - dialing


Donna – Hi, this is Donna Worry. Worry is my name, and Worrying is my game.


Hi Donna! It’s Little Dazzy Donuts and Queenie at Kids’ Poetry Club. We were wondering if you could help Queenie to think through three options for what to do after the Club? It feels like they’re all the right thing to do, and so it’s proving difficult to make a decision.


Donna – Hi Queenie. Hi Little Dazzy Donuts. Of course. It would be a pleasure to help you. You know, sometimes, it can be so difficult to make a decision, especially if it’s a really important decision or you feel like it will upset or disappoint someone. So what have you tried already?


Queenie – Well, I’ve listed the advantages and disadvantages of all three options. But, none of the three really comes out as a clear favorite.


Donna – Well, Queenie. I applaud you for taking your time over this and also for asking for help in making the decision. People can easily get stuck in thinking through options, and talking it through with another person can get them unstuck. What might help is to ask “What If?” questions. For example, what if you try doing all three things? Could that work?


Queenie – Let’s think. It would mean changing the hike with Gertie into a short walk. Then I’d have to tell Postie Dale that I can only look after the llamas for 30 minutes and not an hour. Then I’d have to tell Bill that I can only spend a little time with him at the art museum. Ooohhhh …. That just sounds like I’ll be dashing around everywhere, and nobody will feel satisfied. I certainly wouldn’t enjoy myself either. So, I’m not sure I like that idea.


Donna - You’re right. So, let’s try “What if?” again. This time, “What if you talk with Gertie, Postie Dale, and Bill, and see what they think?


Queenie – I like that idea. I could tell them that I’m in a pickle. Ooohhhh … isn’t that such a lovely saying. To be in a pickle – it’s so funny. Anyway, I could call Gertie first, and explain what’s happening and see if we could hike another day. I could tell her that I don’t want to disappoint her, but also that I don’t want to let down the others. After all, we could hike on almost any day that it’s not raining.


Donna – Wonderful. If she’s okay with moving the hike to another day, then who would you call next?


Queenie – I think I’d call Postie Dale next. After all, perhaps I’m not the only person who could look after the llamas. Normally, I’d love to do it – but I bet there are other people who could help.


Donna – Excellent. So let’s try one more “What if?” What if Gertie can only hike today? What would you do then? What’s most important to you – keeping your word, helping a friend, or seeing the art on its last day?


Queenie – well, Donna, I think I’d do the hike with Gertie. I don’t want to let down Postie Dale or Bill, but I really want people to know they can trust me and when I say I’ll do something, then I will. Of course, I’d call Postie Dale and Bill to explain. I want them to know that I thought about this long and hard.


Donna – Wonderful, Queenie. It sounds like you have a great plan, and you’re right to call them and explain. You should always be honest, and the reality is that you can’t do everything. I’m sure they’ll understand because they’re your friends.


Queenie – Thanks, Donna – you’ve been really helpful.


Donna – My pleasure, Queenie. Call me any time you need help.


SOUND – phone call ending.


Queenie – This has been so helpful, Little Dazzy Donuts. Thank you! I’m going to dash off now to call Gertie. Whatever happens, I feel okay that I’ve made the right decision.


Well, as Queenie heads off to make her call, we have sadly made it to our final poem of the episode. This final poem is all about how lots of small choices can add up to making a big change, and it’s called “One Choice At A Time”.  But how do you think this final poem will arrive? Listen carefully … here it comes ….


It came by bicycle!!! And it’s such a wonderful day for a bike ride too!!! Okay, now it’s here, let’s listen to “One Choice At A Time” …


Imagine a world,

not far away

where the day is the night,

and the night is the day.

Where people walk backwards,

and stand on their heads.

Then they eat food in bathrooms,

and shower in beds.

Their sky’s filled with clouds

that are really large sheep,

and the birds all go moo

while the cows all go cheep.


Seeing as I’m imagining

a world that’s not far,

people can travel by thought

so they don’t need a car.

Then I’ll pay them all money,

for how much they love,

so doing good deeds

is a well-paying job.

I’ll ensure people are safe,

and there’s no need for war,

With food for us all,

there’ll be hunger no more. 


Now this all feels real,

but it’s just in my mind.

I wonder if I try,

there’s a way that I’ll find

to make some of it happen

so it really comes true

that this world could be better

for me and for you.

By making good choices

that world could be mine.

I just need to build it,

one choice at a time.



Well, sadly, that was our final poem for this episode.




Don’t forget that there are lots of ways to join in with the club. If you go to, you’ll see a wonderful drawing by our Club illustrator, Dot Cherch. You can also see the PodSnack video for the episode and download the episode’s PodPack of activities. They’re all free. Plus there’s information on how to send your poems and drawings into the club, including your entries for the Spring competition – don’t forget the deadline is April 30th. There’s also information on how you can be the STAR of the episode who reads out our introduction poem. You’ll find everything you need at


It has been so lovely to spend time with you! Thank you for joining me, Queenie, Donna Worry, Bill Ding, and Postie Dale.  I hope you enjoyed yourself, and hope you’ll be back for more next time the Club meets. Join us again next week when we’ll have a new topic and more fun.


As always, let's finish with our short goodbye poem:


We've had some fun 

with things that rhymed

goodbye Kids 

until next time!


This is Little Dazzy Donuts saying .... keep rhyming!!!