Family & Friends Competition: Winners & Finalists
The following poems and art were selected as the Winners for the Kids’ Poetry Club Competition on the topic of FRIENDS & FAMILY! The Winners were selected from over 600 entries that came in from 18 different countries. The competition results were announced in a special awards ceremony podcast episode on May 17th, when Little Dazzy Donuts read the winning poems. In addition to seeing the Winners below, you can also read all of the Finalists’ poems, listen to all of the poets reciting their poems in our bonus episodes, and check out the Finalists’ art. Congratulations to all of the Winners and Finalists!
Poetry & Art: Under 8
“I Wish” by Kabir
aged 7, from India
(available to listen to in episode 104)
I wish to sit on your shoulder again,
and I wish to sleep in your lap too.
I wish to play game with you,
and I wish to watch movies too.
I wish to hug you tight,
and I wish to bring back you right.
I wish to hear your voice again,
and I wish to call you PAPA again.
I wish God would have not taken you home,
as PAPA I miss you a lot.
By Chanelie, aged 6,
from Sri Lanka
By Aadhyaa, aged 6,
from India
Poetry & Art: Age 8
“Friends” by Ellie
aged 8, from United States
(available to listen to in episode 107)
Playing, laughing,
having fun.
Singing songs in
the sun.
Walking, talking.
Play a game.
Joyful when I
say your name.
Happy, excited.
Feeling great.
Your kindness I
Never lonely when
I’m with them
because I have
amazing friends.
By Rose, aged 8,
from Canada
Poetry & Art: Age 9-10
“My Heart’s Desire” by Ira
aged 9, from United States
(available to listen to in episode 104)
No, no no my parents say,
if we get a puppy now, we'll have to give it away.
We are moving people you see,
so we can't have a puppy in our family.
I always cry for one you know,
we can't have a puppy unless we know where to go.
In the hot hot summer when he will drool,
his lick will keep me refreshed and cool.
My parents tell me to keep the thought at bay,
"You'll definitely have a puppy one day!"
In my class I'm the odd man out,
"Everyone has at least a puppy", I cry and shout.
To get a puppy, it'll take years.
When I think about it, I'm always in tears!!
By Nauman, aged 10,
from Pakistan
Poetry & Art: Age 11-12
“Where I’m From” by Aman
aged 11, from United States
(available to listen to in episode 93)
I am from a sea of people
with brown skin and dark shiny hair and eyes.
With different religions practiced and myriad languages spoken.
I am from spicy biryani and deep-fried samosas with chutney on the side.
I am from Urdu and Persian and Pashto.
I am from a tall mountain of beautiful mosques.
I am from steaming chai.
From the long days my mother toiled in medical school in the city.
From the glistening sweat my father broke under the hot blazing sun of the desert.
Soaring crows and eagles dot the brilliant blue sky, my grandparents looking up.
I keep these tokens and memories under my pillow and in my pillow case.
Seeping slowly through,
dreams come to me at night
of a land far-away.
By Tanish, aged 12,
from United Kingdom
Poetry & Art: Age 13-17
“Mum” by Esme
aged 13, from United Kingdom
(available to listen to in episode 104)
Homework helper.
Children feeder.
Money lender.
Garden weeder.
Table layer.
Food provider.
Monster slayer.
Sweetie hider.
Rucksack packer.
Biscuit baker.
Bug attacker.
Cookie maker.
All night worker.
Late night drinker.
Champagne slurper.
Wine glass clinker.