Fun In The Sun Competition: Winners
The following poems and art were selected as the Winners for the Kids’ Poetry Club Competition on the topic of Fun In The Sun! The Winners were selected from over 1000 entries that came in from 25 different countries. The competition Winners were celebrated in a special awards ceremony podcast episode on November 28, 2022. CONGRATULATIONS to all of the Winners! You can learn more about our current competition by visiting our Competition page.
Poetry & Art: Aged Under 9
“Beaches And Cats” by Ezra, aged 5, from United States
Beaches and cats,
beaches and cats.
I love to play in the sun
with beaches and cats.
Beaches, they’re so splashy and sandy.
Cats, they’re so cute and cuddly.
Beaches and cats, beaches and cats.
“In The Sun” by Isaac, aged 6, from United Kingdom
In the sun it is really fun,
But sometimes it can be tiresome,
And it makes me want to eat a bun.
I love running wildly in the sun,
Because it is so much fun.
My mum asked me ‘Are you done writing the word ‘fun’?
I said ‘I thought you want me to write the word ‘none’?
“Summer” by Mia, aged 6, from France
I love summer
It's my favourite season
Going to my grandma's
Or to the beach
But my favourite thing is playing with my friends.
“Fun In The Sun” by Evelyn, aged 7, from United Kingdom
In the sun,
It is really fun,
You can run around,
And shout HOORAY!
When it is hot,
You can eat ice lollies a lot!
But if you stand long enough out there,
Sun burn may become a horrible nightmare!
Let’s go paddling,
Let’s go boating,
Think about all the ice lollies we can lick,
Not forgetting a lovely picnic!
“Fun In The Sun” by Nikita, aged 7, from Uganda
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Playing with a water gun,
As I run.
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Eating a sweet little bun,
And telling friends my favourite pun.
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Looking at a group of mice,
Playing in a bucket of ice.
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Playing with a kite,
As it zooms left and right.
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Seeing the crafts display,
Made from grey clay.
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Playing all day,
As my friends stay with me all day.
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Been in great delight,
As I was going for a wildlife safari on a small flight.
In the sun, I had lots of fun,
Watching a lion hunting for its prey,
On an adventurous safari day.
In the sun, I always had lots of fun,
I like being in the sun,
As I can have unlimited fun.
By Dhruv, aged 7, from United States
“A Sunny – Funny Cruise Trip” by Kiswah, aged 6, from Australia
On a scorching sunny day;
Through a ferry cruise round the bay;
With my Dad, Mum, Auntie and Baby sister;
That was an amazing sailing sizzler;
Heading towards the stunning coastline with mussels in ton;
It was none other than PORTARLINGTON;
A hive of pristine beaches - a beautiful picnic spot;
Trees and Lush green gardens with an Aussie BBQ hotpot;
Strolling through the streets - a gorgeous coastal town;
Plenty of swings and slides on a slopy trek down;
Fiery and wilted, with plethora of fruits;
Plodding near the shore with our bare foot;
Enjoying the drinks while sitting in the sun beam;
It was a turn for a dessert treat, may be an ice cream;
Giggles and Chuckles, it was a real FUN-DAY;
Floating from the city to an island, by chance on SUN-DAY!!
“Water Park Summer Fun” by Selena , aged 7, from United States
Waves splish splash
Aquatics fun.
Taking coins from pocket.
Eating watermelons in the sun.
Running for ice cream.
Playing with sand.
Amazed by thrilling water slides.
Rubbing wet feet, and
Kicking legs in the pool
Sun burning hot.
Umbrellas without raindrops.
Maybe I need strawberry popsicles.
Maybe I need energizing drinks.
Even if I had both in hands
Regretting my choices.
Favorite still ice cream.
Under the scorching heat,
Nothing better than this treat.
“The Fun I Had In Paris” by Jessica, aged 8, from United Kingdom
Paris oh Paris you are so lovely
At the top of the Eiffel Tower you shine brighter than the sun
Right when I first saw you, I instantly fell in love with you, Paris
In my dreams you were all I could think about
So when I get up, we will have more fun together just like we did yesterday.
“Fun In The Sun!” by Anika, aged 8, from United States
I am having fun,
in the sun.
It is very hot.
And I am resting in a cot.
Summer’s a treasure.
I take it as a pleasure.
Water is very cool,
So I take some time to enjoy in a pool.
The outdoor activities are something I adore.
In summer there is so much to explore.
By Kuhu, aged 8, from India
Poetry & Art: Aged 9-10
“Sunny Days” by Disha, aged 9, from United Kingdom
Today I’m making the most of the sun,
By going for a peaceful, sunny run,
When I’m playing in the paddling pool,
My Dad fixes the car with his handy tool,
Then I harvest a juicy grown pear,
As butterflies’ flutter around me here and there
In the meadows, daisies bloom,
As drones in the sky zoom and zoom,
Hares and rabbits bounce around,
When other children in the park make a noisy sound,
While we walk in Burghley park,
Everyone’s spirits rise by a happy spark,
In the sun, hedgehogs bask,
While my brother completes his treasure hunt task,
Now summer holidays are coming to an end,
New stationary for school, money to spend!
“Fun In the Sun” by Ilina, aged 9, from Uganda
I like to play in the sun,
Where I’ll have lots of fun.
In the sun, I like to swim,
As it’ll make me slim,
Like a person in a film.
In the sun, I like to fly a kite,
And it glides just like a flight,
On a lovely night.
In the sun, I like to go hiking,
As well as mountain biking.
And when I do that, I get a lot of liking.
In the sun, I like to read,
About how the lion leads,
And how it feeds.
In the sun, I like to paint,
Two little people on a play date,
While others can’t wait to elate.
In the sun, I like to go on trips,
And hoping to eat lots of crispy chips,
And showing family my lovely backflips.
“Fun Summer Sun Day” by Grace, aged 9, from Singapore
A day in the summer,
such a bummer,
because it's raining cats and dogs.
I really want to have some fun,
under the blazing hot, hot sun.
Oh look, the sun has risen up,
its time for me to skip and play,
get scorched winning hopscotch,
and say hurray.
The sun is still very high,
so I really want to fly.
I don't have wings,
so I might as well do other things.
Let's water slide,
and sky glide.
Rain or shine,
any sun day is fine!
“My Inspiration Poem” by Genesis, aged 10, from United Kingdom
I went art studio
I met Harley
Made a recycled SpongeBob
Wasn’t a Carly
Stick for the legs
Lid for the eyes
I made the tie
Newspaper for the guise
Cardboard for pants
No crawling ants
Big lids for sleeves
I was so pleased
More newspaper for nose
The music flows
I paint SpongeBob
Did a good job
Red, yellow, pink and black
Didn’t even quack
Make funny voices
So much noises
Children were laughing
The adults chuckled
Genesis ( that’s me) laughed louder
HE was standing up
Wow! Bow! Pow!
Next to my mini- bob
The two Bob-Pants
Just like Daniel (my teacher) and me
Working as a team
Not even a scream
When I worked for hours and hours
And hours…..( pause)
So much power
By Amasha, aged 10, from Sri Lanka
“The Sticky Starfish” by Bella, aged 9, from United Kingdom
The Ocean was yawning,
It woke all living creatures except one.
That one was still snoring,
It was the sticky starfish.
A sticky starfish they say –
Well you don’t see that every day.
But he said being a starfish is tiring.
But all us creatures knew we were lying
He was a sticky starfish.
He only rested under the dock
peacefully gazing at the sky.
On his ginormous bumpy rock.
How could it be tiring
if he just sits on a rock
Well I mean it must be for him
if he keeps on whining
about his missing sock.
“Fun In The Sun” by Zymal, aged 9, from Pakistan
The sun is what we need
To live and thrive
A symbol of good deed
Something every living creature needs to survive.
Friends, we all agree
We all love to see.
The setting sun
It's all so fun.
We can see the seven colours
And many others
All thanks to one
Our very own sun.
We all are needy
Of Vitamin D
Which is very important
If you don't want your bones shortened.
I cant wait to have fun
In the golden, gleaming sun
What could I do? Sunbath, fire a gun?!
I know I'll be stunned.
When I see the rising sun
A new day starts
I've so much to do, craft, make tarts
And also have fun
Under the bright light of the sun.
“Cricket Cricket Cricket” by Syed, aged 9, from United Kingdom
Don't hit the wicket
Or the umpire will shout
you are out.
And you will have to exit without a doubt.
Win matches.
Man of the match.
Man of the match
Is the one with the most runs or best catch.
Run fast between wickets.
With your bat and helmet.
Surely the best game is Cricket!
“A Day of Fun” by Darren, aged 10, from Canada
Laughs of joy fill the air.
Dogs barking, cats meowing in the sun.
Smells of barbecue spreading through the air.
Splashing squirting all around.
Everyone enjoying the gorgeous sunset
people say a final goodbye.
By Işıknas, aged 9, from Turkey
By Molly, aged 9, from United Kingdom
Poetry & Art: Aged 11-12
“Fun In The Sun” by Yashvi, aged 11, from India
Beneath the sunny sky,
with a lot of gleams of sunshine,
Marigolds, Hibiscuses and Sunflowers bloom
and all the children are playing in the pool.
Shades on their eyes,
hats on their heads,
All laying around the flower beds.
On such a sunny day,
It’s best to go to the beach,
where there is a ton of sand to play
and a very refreshing sea.
It may be very hot, So what!
These are the jolly things
to do in the sun trust me!
Once you try it, you’ll know
that they are really fun!
“Camping” by Ryan, aged 11, from United States
Camping is a pack of wolves on the prowl, looking for their next meal.
Camping is the morning dew falling on the fauna in front of me.
Camping is the smoke from the campfire that we made.
Camping is the berries fragrant scent going through the campsite.
Camping is gooey s'mores that have just cooled down.
Camping is salty fish for lunch from the lake nearby.
Camping is crickets and birds chirping to the beat of their beautiful song.
Camping is bears roaring at each other like two brothers fighting over a toy.
Camping is the warm campfire heat brushing against my arms.
Camping is the river water soaking my shirt while I kayak.
That's what camping in the forest is to me!
By Everett, aged 11, from Japan
“Summer, Summer” by Eniola, aged 11, from United Kingdom
Summer, Summer you’re almost here
Time to have fun
With our swimming gear.
Holidays at the beach
Are always fun
Along with volleyball
and game where we run.
Summer, Summer
Is almost here,
I can hardly wait.
Let’s give a big cheer.
“Birds Sing In The Day” by Amogh, aged 12, from United States
Birds sing
in the day.
The Sun,
ever so bright
The water
aglow with light
The wind blows,
as a welcome cool breeze
The people and animals alike
Sweating in their plight
The grass moves and
moves restlessly
With heat.
Oh, how hot are these days!
By Riyansh, aged 12, from United Kingdom
Poetry & Art: Aged 13-17
“The Grace Of Shine” by Oshin, aged 13, from India
Playing in the sun,
On the beach,
Let's have some fun,
Without any restrictions and breach.
Looking at the sunset,
Running towards the blue sea,
Getting wet,
With glee.
When staying at night,
Observing the lovely dawn,
And sky is looking bright,
What is happiness,
I caught on.
Sun is fun,
Let's make it so,
Forget the law of Newton,
And give a high jump to reach the sun!!!
“Here Comes The Sun” by Aditeya, aged 14, from India
Hurrah ! Hurrah !
Here comes the SUN
Filled with happiness and lots of fun
Making sand castles at the Beach
Collecting sea-shells from where I could reach
Lazing around for a while on a bright Sunny day
Yes, I know how to spend my holidays,
I have my ways Cycling, swimming, playing football with my friends
I hope that ……FUN never ends
Visiting Grandma-Grandpa at their farm
Hearing their tales and stories, I am charmed
Eating mangoes , drinking lemonade
Hurray ! Hurray ! I love summer holidays
I wish they’d last forever, those SUNNY days
“A Summer Of Fun In The Sun” by Madeline, aged 14, from United States
Filled with excitement, the summer’s begun!
Ultimate journeys are goal number one!
Now let’s make way for the warm weather fun.
Iced lemonade and the cookies are sold, one by one.
Neighborhood pool has to wait, while I coil my hair in a bun.
Then there is swimming that needs to be done, inner tubes to be spun!
Hot brilliant sun is empowering us to go run --
End at the finish line, panting, imagine we won.
Scenic safari at Zoo for the parents, their daughter, and son;
Unified elephant family, weighing much more than a ton.
Numerous memories made with this wonderful summer of fun!
By Tanish, aged 14, from United Kingdom
“Let’s Have Fun In The Bright Sun” by Arjun, aged 13, from India
Let’s have fun in the bright sun
And lets never be done.
The memories will stay with us
And to let go we shall make a fuss.
The fun games we play outside.
This should be our play guide.
We will have fun in the sun with friends
Until time ends.
We play lots of games
Till we can claim our names.
We may sometimes fight
But it always works out alright
We create memories here.
This will always stay with us
year by year.
And these memories will cheer us to the heights.
And our smiles will outshine the city lights.
Don't be inside and miss the fun.
When we are done playing in the sun
The memories which we have created
It will be loved and dated.
Have fun in the sun
When there is lots of fun
We are filled with joy all the time
And let there be no downtime.
“Bountiful Beach” by Cassidy, aged 15, from United States
Heat baking the beach,
trying not to burn our feet.
Hurrying to the water,
to splash through the waves.
Diving over and under,
like playful seals.
Grabbing kelp,
becoming sea monsters.
A giant wave comes,
knocking us under,
tossing us every which way.
Coming up with sand in our hair,
salt in our throats.
Only to dive right back in,
to the cool blue water,
to swim under the sun