Poems about WEATHER!
by Little Dazzy Donuts

Here’s a selection of poems about weather taken from the weekly Kids’ Poetry Club podcast, including links to podcast episodes and YouTube videos.
All poems are written by children’s poet, Little Dazzy Donuts. Illustrations by Dot Cherch.

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“Snowed Under”

(available in episode 89 and on YouTube)

I was simply too busy
when the first snowfall came,
so I left it to sit on the ground.
As I waded through stacks
of emails and books,
with the snow sat in piles, drifts and mounds.

I worked ever so hard
each day and each night,
and snowstorms they came and they went.
The snow deep enough
to cover my car,
as I worked every hour that was sent.

By March, my whole home
could no longer be seen.
My neighbors were all left to ponder
why I left it so late
to pick up a shovel,
as I'm now well and truly snowed under.

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“Fresh Snowfall”

(available in episode 79 and on YouTube)

I awoke to a scene
reimagined as white.
A crisp clean sheet
pulled over it tight,
and patterned with the placing
of hundreds of feet.
Tucked in at the corners,
and patted down neat.
Glistening like diamonds
in the dawn’s early sun.
A testament to perfection
until the moment I come.
To ruin this world,
feels so unjust,
but with a sled in one hand,
ruin it, I must.



(available in episode 63 and on YouTube)

No matter the season,
I love it outdoors!
In Summer, I’m out there
in t-shirts and shorts.

Come Fall and then Winter,
it gets chilly and wet,
so I’ll share a life lesson,
you should never forget.

When you’re heading outside,
layer on clothes.
As many as you can,
from your head to your toes.

They’ll protect you from wind,
and even from snow,
wearing layer upon layer,
is the way you should go.

Pull on multiple pants,
and five to ten socks.
Wearing sweater upon sweater,
is nothing to knock.

If you’re layering right,
you'll double in size.
The only parts of you visible
are your nose and your eyes.

It will take you an hour,
but when you are done,
you’ll be ready to head off
for some seasonal fun.

Oh … something I missed
right at the start,
don’t miss this key step,
else it all falls apart …

if you’ve started your layering,
you’ve started too soon,
as your first step is always
to use the bathroom.


“Run Like The Wind”

(available in episode 82)

Over oceans and mountains and fields it came,
building up rage while roaring its name.
Until it finally arrived outside of my home,
with me bundled up, inside on my own,
as it searched for narrow gaps under the doors,
exploring the crawl space and up through the floors.
Hinges began creaking as it whistled its tune.
Loose papers were spinning and danced ‘round the room.
There was mayhem as the noise of banging repeats,
with me hid away under blankets and sheets.
After an hour, all exhausted, it calmed itself down,
and considered moving on to visit others in town.
If it lingers, my hopes will firmly be pinned
on a dash for the door as I run like the wind.

“The Windy Day”

(available in episode 63)

It started this morning
with the gentlest of breeze -
barely enough to rustle
the leaves in the trees.

By noon it was blowing
at more of a pace.
Enough to spread objects
all over the place.

All afternoon, it blew
with more and more might.
Snapped branches and bushes
disappearing from sight.

I should have known better,
that the timing’s not right
to head off outside
to try fly my kite.

It dragged me about,
and pulled me around.
Lifting both of my feet
clear up off the ground.

With a gust and a blow,
it lifted me higher,
as I dodged roofs and chimneys
and telephone wires.

Eventually it dumped me
from quite a great height,
and I landed up here,
still holding my kite.

Which is how I’ll explain
what happened to me,
if I ever get down
from the top of this tree.


“The Hurricane”

(available in episode 63)

It first struck the garden
with eye-watering force,
before knocking down plants,
smashing open the door.

It rolled through the hallway
spreading papers and mud,
falling furniture landing
with an ear-shattering thud.

It blew through the kitchen
and then up the stairs,
leaving a trail of old clothes
and tipped over chairs.

It stormed through the bedrooms –
where toys and books flew,
the bathroom was next,
and the living room too.

All that was standing,
was left lying down,
and the house was messiest
one in the town.

It’s all the devastation
you’d expect there to be,
with a direct hit on home
from Hurricane Me!

“Saving For A Rainy Day”

(available in episode 60)

I pretended all Summer,
they didn’t exist,
but with Autumn arriving,
I’ll get out my list.

There’s a puzzle on the shelf
I’ll be fetching down soon,
and a book at my bedside
I haven’t opened since June.

There are cobwebs need cleaning,
toys under the bed,
and more hair in my hairbrush,
than there is on my head.

There are socks spread widely
all over the place,
and clothes that need folding
piled on each space.

I have cousins to write to,
and friends I should phone
having missed a few birthdays:
an omission I’ll own.

I have a list full of tasks,
I store safely away.
It’s important to be saving
for the next rainy day.


“Made For Ducks”

(available in episode 14)

The sun didn’t come out today,
and the sky was filled with clouds of gray
that held on loosely to their rain
before dumping it down again,
and again,
until rivers ran where there once were roads
and canoes were paddled where cars once drove.
Those wanting sun were out of luck
for today was mostly just made for ducks.

“Foggy Froggy”

(available in episode 14 and on YouTube)

"It’s foggy," said the froggy
sat on his pad.
The fog thick around him,
visibility bad.
He can't see the water,
he can't see a fly,
he can't see the bank,
and he can't see the sky.
When the sun's shining
he sees all the pond.
But, when foggy this morning,
he sees nothing beyond
the end of his lily,
so he sits there to wait
for the fog to all lift
and the sun to create
a warm day of sunshine
for frogs to all play.
Nothing dampens frog's life
like a thick foggy day.


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“Outside And In”

(available in episode 14)

It snowed.
It rained.
Then the sun shone bright,
and I went out to play.

But when I got out there,
it started raining again,
so I returned inside and waited
for the showers to end.

I got out my toys
to play on the floor,
when I noticed the sun
was shining once more.

So I put on my coat
and opened the door,
to see massive hailstones
falling. Therefore,

my day is consisting
of outside and in,
then outside, and inside,
and outside again.

Given the uncertainty,
I just can’t wait to find
what happens when the weather
finally makes up its mind.


“Raining Cats & Dogs”

(available in episode 4)

I overheard someone say
it was raining cats and dogs today,
so I grabbed my coat and grabbed my hat
to dash outside to catch a cat.

I pictured them raining in the streets
with dogs then landing up in trees.
But there were no animals to be found,
just big deep puddles on the ground.
I imagine that they landed safe,
and ran off quick to get away.

Next time it rains, I hope it brings
a flood of animals and other things.
I'd like a shower of kangaroos,
and a quick downpour of gnus.
I'd want a drizzle of raccoons,
and a thin mist of baboons,
then after about an hour or two,
the street would just be one big zoo!