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Episode 85: Hopes & Dreams Finale!

This week, the Club hosts the awards ceremony for the current competition on the topic of Hopes & Dreams, where 35 poets from around the world are celebrated as Finalists, and nine poets and artists are announced as competition Winners. We hear from all of the Finalists, and Little Dazzy Donuts reads out the winning poems between courses in Queenie's awards banquet.

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The episode includes snippets of the Finalists’ poems. You can read their full poems on the website, and also see the Finalists' art.


Read more about our Competitions

Our next competition topic will be announced on February 18 - we're looking forward to seeing all of your amazing entries.

In the meantime, you can revisit our Autumn/Fall competition on the topic of Gratitude by checking out the Winners, poetry Finalists, and art Finalists.